Kunawarritji Clinic
Puntukurnu Aboriginal Medical Service provides medical services to the Kunawarritji community through a permanent Remote Area Nurse. This care is supplemented by a range of visiting services.
The Kunawarritji community sits just 5 kilometres north-west of Well 33 on the Canning Stock Route. Located 1531 km from Newman and home to 76 people, PAMS Comprehensive Primary Health Care service is staffed by a Remote Area Nurse, visiting General Practitioner and a range of visiting services.
Services available:
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People’s Health Assessment
- Child and school health
- Adult and child immunisations
- Chronic disease management
- Well person checks
- Men’s and women’s health
- Medication services
- Acute Care (GP Services)
- After hours emergency care
- Rheumatic heart disease
Contact details Kunawarritji Clinic:
Phone: 08 9176 9041 Fax: 08 9176 9998
Email: [email protected]
Opening Hours:
9:00 to 12:00 and 13:00 to 16:30 Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
9:00 to 12:00 Tuesday