How To Apply If You Are an International GP

Help our communities' health, bring your expertise to Western Australia’s Pilbara.

If you are an international medical graduate or doctor trained overseas, there are steps to follow to become a GP in Australia and to work with PAMS.


1. Make sure you meet the minimum requirements to work as a doctor. 

The Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care provides detailed information on these requirements and can assist you in confirming your eligibility. Additionally, the Medical Board of Australia can help with medical registration and skills assessments, and the Department of Home Affairs has information about immigration and citizenship. 

2. Choose a Pathway.

There are four main pathways for international medical graduates (IMGS):

    1. Standard Pathway: For those who need to complete the Australian Medical Council (AMC) exams.
    2. Competent Authority Pathway: For IMGs with qualifications from specific countries that have been recognized by the AMC.
    3. Specialist Pathway: For those who are seeking to practice as specialists in Australia.
    4. Short Term Training in a Medical Specialty Pathway: For IMGs looking to undertake short-term training in a medical specialty without gaining specialist registration.

3. Skills Assessment.

Register and take a skills assessment with the relevant medical board. 

4. Expression of Interest. 

Submit an expression of interest through SkillSelect, including personal details and assessment results. 

5. Visa Application. 

Apply for an employer-sponsored visas like the 186 and 187. 

6. Pre-Employment Structured Clinical Interview (PESCI).

If required, complete a PESCI, which evaluates your suitability for a particular general practice position. 

7. Fellowship of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (FRACGP).

Work towards achieving the FRACGP, which recognises the work IMGs have done overseas and in Australia. 


See more. 

For more information visit the Australian Government Department of Health website

It’s important to note that the process may vary based on individual circumstances, please seek specific advice for your situation.